Personal trainers are great motivators, but it’s hard to motivate you from across town at the gym, while that Ding Dong® across the room can taunt you. All. Day. Long.
Fight the snack powers that be with Sessions, a remote coaching service that designs bespoke fitness regimens, monitors your performance, and helps you to stick to your goals.
Simply sign up with your email address; Sessions will set up an intro phone call with a licensed trainer, who’ll design a goal-oriented fitness program scheduled around your lifestyle.
Trainers check in daily via text message and integration with other apps (Runkeeper, Fitbit, Foursquare, etc), plus schedule chats to review your progress and alter programs accordingly. Trainers will even send calendar invites for workout times.
When you slack, your trainer will assign incentive tasks based on your schedule, e.g., take the stairs instead of the elevator, or jog home from work.
Sessions is typically $29 per month, but InsideHook readers who sign up now will receive three months for the price of one. Which should motivate you to rethink more expensive trainer fees, you ding dong.
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