The Latest

A Dead-Simple Stretch for People Who Sit All Day

This move can reset your aching pelvis. Here's how to deploy it.

Hydrow’s Memorial Day Sale Lives On

Channel your inner Winklevoss for less

A Family Virtue That Men Are Pretty Bad at Protecting

We can get a lot better at "kinkeeping," fellas. Here's how it works.

The “Green List Diet” That’s Eased My Inflammation

Courtesy of a California lab, it's also helped me lose weight and regain focus. Here's how the approach works.

You Need a Pair of British Badminton Sneakers

Get yourself a pair of Golas, the perfect summer shoe

New Research Offers Mixed Signals on Fish Oil

The study comes with some big caveats

How Many Men Are Secretly Addicted to Video Games?

"Internet gaming disorder" is now a recognized mental-health condition, but the debate about the pros and cons of video games still rages

Wellness Brand Ritual Has a Refreshing Take on Supplements

Looking for supplements without any BS? Look no further

There’s a Good Chance You Have Plastic in Your Testicles

A recent study found microplastics in 100% of the human testes they analyzed

The Bleak Reason No One Says “BRB” or “GTG” Anymore

Remember when logging on was an actual event in your day?

This Has Become One of Our Favorite Solo Workouts

The tennis wall is your friend. Especially if you don't have a human one handy.

Lifeguard Shape: Your Blueprint for the Ultimate Summer Body

Workouts tips and insight into how lifeguards train, sans any responsibility to actually patrol a beach

What’s It Like to Run for Nike…While Coaching High Schoolers?

Professional ultrarunner Tyler Green on how he prepares for race day, and helps others do the same