People often credit Manhattan with being the most populated city in the world, but all around the world, there are cities that blow Manhattan out of the water. And internationally, Manhattan doesn’t even compare to Shanghai’s population of over 24 million. Using data from the World Population Review and World Atlas, we decided to see what the most populated cities in the world really are. Check out the gallery below.
Tokyo, Japan: 38,305,000
Tokyo, Japan (Getty Images)Delhi, India: 27,928,168
Shanghai, China: 25,888,000
Shanghai, China (Getty Images)Beijing, China: 22,838,000
Mumbai, India: 22,046,000
Mumbai, India (Getty Images)São Paulo, Brazil: 21,730,000
Mexico City, Mexico: 21,493,000
Osaka, Japan: 20,472,000
Cairo, Egypt: 19,846,000
Cairo, Egypt (Flickr)Dhaka, Bangladesh: 19,580,000
Karachi, Pakistan: 18,160,000
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