Today Is Your Last Day to Shop Abercrombie & Fitch’s YPB Sale

Get your fitness on with this can't-miss event

June 24, 2024 12:24 pm
Abercrombie YBP clothes on a grey background
These are the best YPB products on sale at Abercrombie & Fitch
Abercrombie & Fitch

Please note: If you buy through the links in this article, we may earn a small share of the profits.

As has been noted by us in the past few weeks, Abercrombie & Fitch has had some rocking pieces on their sale page. The brand strikes again with their current YPB sale — where all of their YPB (Your Personal Best) fitness apparel is marked down at 25% off. The sale started last Friday and ends today so in the event you’re a little bit late to the game (and that’s ok) we wanted to make it easier for you to get your hands on, what we think are, some of the coolest pieces in the collection.

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The style has moved from trend to staple, so let us help stock your closet

Whether you need some new fitness apparel while trying to better any of your own PB’s or you simply want to revamp the athletic part of your wardrobe, we’ve rounded up some of the best sale items down below for you to peruse. But as always feel free to shop the full range of goods here.

You could wear these while working out…but you could also wear them on a plane? At your local coffee shop? Running errands? Versatility is key.

A good athleisure tee never hurt anyone. This YPB powerSOFT shirt is breathable and sweat-wicking. Perfect for this never-ending heat wave we’re currently enduring.

Live your best Paul Mescal life and invest in a pair of short, breezy cardio shorts. They won’t go unnoticed.

Have we mentioned Challengers? Once or twice? Here’s to mentioning it a third (or fourth) time — buy this graphic racquet club tee and grab a racquet yourself.

A camo moment anyone? Yes please.

It’s also ok to shop a few seasons ahead. We’re not sure when the cool weather will hit us again, but you can be prepared for when it does with this sick quilted bomber.

A classic cap rules — plain and simple. Practice that sun safety folks.

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