“Give me your stained sleeves, your frayed college tees, your overshrunk V’s yearning for one last wear …”
Marine Layer just went full Lady Liberty, people. Our favorite San Francisco t-shirt mavens want your shirts. All shirts, no matter how far back into the closet you have to reach for ’em. And they’re offering a fiver for each one you send their way.
The initiative’s called called Re-Spun by Marine Layer, and it’s absolutely glorious.
How does it work? Marine Layer is collecting 10,000 t-shirts, with the intention of disassembling each then flipping the scrapped yarn into “recycled tees.” Anyone who wants to get involved can snag a prepaid mailer here, send in up to five tees, and earn $25 in store credit.
You’ve got to admire Marine Layer on this one. It’s a pretty foolproof plan — dish out $50K that’ll go straight back into the shop — but it’s also an important exercise in sustainability, considering the average American throws out 80 pounds of clothing each year. Besides, we’re excited to see what styles they cook up on the recycled tees.
For more information, head here. And as for how to spend that $25? We’ve added a couple recs below.
Saddle Pocket Tee — $7 w/ discount
Classic Bus Tee — $20 w/discount
All images from Marine Layer
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