This Avalanche Survival Doc Is ‘Scared Straight’ for Backcountry Skiers

Keep your avalanche beacon close and your friends closer

November 27, 2017 9:00 am EST

A snow covered mountain is a serene sight. But what appears to be a pillow of snow could easily become a cascading mass capable of crushing and suffocating anything in its path.

Watching the video To Hell in a Heartbeat, is a blunt reminder of how quickly an adventure can go from kick-ass to pear-shaped terror.

It’s a reenactment that picks up during the aftermath of an avalanche, as a group of backcountry skiers hustle to find and resurrect their friend who’s been buried. You already know that they get him — he’s one of the speakers. But it’s the how that’ll keep you glued.

The point is that these guys were well trained, had the gear, knew how to use the gear and still it was a struggle. The video was directed by Trent Meisenheimer for Know Before You Go, an avalanche preparedness organization.

They made another, more detailed video on how to avoid and survive avalanches, and if you’re a backcountry nut then do yourself (and your family) a favor and watch the 15 minute video below.

Stay safe.  


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