In Tents

In Tents

In Tents

By The Editors

There are only a handful of phrases that can take camping from “nice little weekend” to “romantic getaway.”

“Private island” is one.

“Tent butler” is another.

Both those options come courtesy of Shelter Co., the SF-based luxury camping service that’ll create a custom campground for you on Little Venice Island (and other nearby destinations), taking orders now.

Shelter is for folks who like to get into the wild without the wild getting into them.

They coddle you with a truly Gatsbian array of shelters and habiliments, including fifteen-foot luxury tents, king-size beds, Pendleton blankets and catering.

It’s all built on-site and, once you leave, broken down and ushered away.

As for where you’re camping, Shelter goes anywhere you want — but they’ve got the hook up with plenty of beautiful properties, like Little Venice Island (complete with your own lagoon!) and Terrain Ruisseau along the Putah Creek.

That’s in Yolo County. Because YOLO.

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