This Litter Box Makes Cleanup Duty a Breeze

Spend a little extra to make your pet-owning life a whole lot easier

This ultra-high tech litter box makes life easier

This ultra-high tech litter box makes life easier

By Matt Lagnese

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In New York, cats and apartments go together like, well, cats and bodegas. Often my orange pal Gary will stare out the window at my (his) neighbors’ tuxedo and tabby roommates. But the finite space of most apartments leaves little room for a litter box. And when the cat uses the facilities, one better get scooping quick. 

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The Litter-Robot 4 is a fine solution for this pressing issue. Though taller than the conventional covered litter box my cat had been using, its footprint is smaller. It looks like a small washer/dryer and has an illuminated panel of push button controls. Its round design and sleek lighting reminds me of something from Star Trek TNG.

Removing it from the large box, I set up the Litter-Robot 4 in less than five minutes. Gary was sniffing it out before I had a chance to fill it with litter — less litter than needed for the box I had prior to the Litter-Robot 4. In fact, the Litter-Robot 4 is so efficient with separating waste from clean litter I’ve had to reduce the delivery frequency of kitty litter. 

Connecting the unit to the app was easy as well. With the app I get a notification every time the cleaning cycle completes and the app tracks Gary’s weight, which is funny to see pre- and post-trip to the bathroom. The app also tracks the amount of waste collected and tells you when to dispose, though I’ve been opting to take out the waste at 50% capacity. 

The Litter-Robot 4 even comes with an interior light that shines softly on the litter. I’m not sure of the purpose, whether it is to provide your cat with illumination for reading the paper while he does his business, or to provide the owner with assurance that, yes, the machine works! No clumps! The lights (interior and panel) can be shut off or dimmed via the app. 

The Litter-Robot 4 cycles quietly and the only thing you can really hear from the other room is the shifting of litter. I cannot hear the motor running or the cylinder turning. 

The only drawback I can think of is the waste compartment liner bags replacements are somewhat pricey. I might see if I can use a cheaper alternative. Liner bags aside, the cool design and functionally saving me 60(!) scoops in two weeks — the app tracks this too — the Litter-Robot 4 by Whisker is a welcomed addition to my cat’s home. 

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