The warm, fuzzy feeling a man gets when he falls in love with a bar is something he can carry with him forever.
For a man who’d prefer to carry around the actual bar in lieu of attendant fuzzies, there’s this:
The KANZ Field Bar, a compact watering hole built from Marine-grade aluminum and birch plywood that can hold four bottles, glasses, ice, garnishes and all the other required necessities for making a great Manhattan in the great outdoors.
Collapsible, portable and able to accompany its owner on all garden variety of walkabout, the 19.4” by 25.4” by 15’ (without included legs) pop-up bar weighs 30 pounds and even has a mirrored back wall that can be lit up with LEDs during midnight mixology sessions.
Sturdy and stylish, the bar is made in the U.S. and goes for $640, while a mahogany model will run you $690.
Smelling like Ron Burgundy’s apartment is probably worth the extra 50 clams.
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