ZZ Top-approved sunnies. Pick up a pair.

Or six.

ZZ Top-approved sunnies. Pick up a pair.

ZZ Top-approved sunnies. Pick up a pair.

By The Editors

ZZ Top: champions of many good things.

Legs. Tush. Texas-sized beards.

And perhaps the most nuanced sartorial ethos in all of classic rock:

Even sharp-dressed men should own a good pair of cheap sunglasses.

Making affordable shades that would do the Tres Hombres proud:

Spective, a new direct-to-consumer line of sunnies that lets you design your shades right down to the logo.

Need some good swag for employees? Bachelor party gifts? Merely at terms with the fact that you’re probably going to lose at least one pair of sunglasses this summer, so why not stock up on some that won’t break the bank?

These are the shades for you.

They’re made in the same factory as most luxury lines, with the same handmade acetate and strong stainless steel hinges and glass lenses.

Only you pay $40-65 rather than $150-200.

Hence cheap. But not crap.

The composition process is simple, and if you have design chops or access to someone who does, you can get pretty fancy with the branding.

Added bonus: you can pimp your designs on social media and receive kickbacks from Spective if other people buy them.

Stock up.

You Can Thank Jimmy Cliff for These Shades
The Sunglasses of Mad Men

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