The World’s Snarkiest Robot Only Responds With GIFs

Looks like they're coming for your jobs next, millennials

The World’s Snarkiest Robot Only Responds With GIFs

The World’s Snarkiest Robot Only Responds With GIFs

By Kirk Miller

First, a Leo-sized cheers to our new favorite inventor.

That inventor is NYU student Abhishek Singh, who recently completed his rather fun graduate thesis: a desktop robotic assistant named Peeqo that only responds with GIFs. “Think of him as the love child of Amazon Echo and a Disney character,” Singh says.

The slinky-style robot — which has a forward-facing camera — responds to voice commands, but only returns answers in GIFs. Singh said he gave him a personality, so “sometimes his responses can be a little spunky.” And he listens: in one funny interaction, Peeqo is told not to let his inventor go on Reddit. When he does, Peeqo (on its own) displays an angry cartoon GIF.

Good news for hobbyists: Singh open-sourced the project (see below), meaning you, too, can build a spunky, GIF-fluent virtual assistant. 

The Assembly Process

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