When a husband and wife join their creative talents in the kitchen, the results can be story-worthy, e.g., see this cutting board, honey? We made this before your pre-school tuition was even a twinkle in your father’s eye.
For kitchen products so well-made you’ll pass them down to your own expensive little matriculants, check out OnOurTable.
[callout]… kitchen products as solid as they are striking [/callout]
Run by a husband/wife duo —he’s an interior designer, she’s an award-winning chef who occasionally caters for Steve Martin — OOT crafts hefty knife racks, reversible cutting boards and butcher blocks that are as solid as they are striking.
Each piece is handcrafted from sustainably harvested maple and walnut, polished with mineral oil and natural beeswax, and carries an appropriately rugged nickname like Stubby, Chisel and Butch.
The pieces come with welcome quirks, too, like the serving boards’ oversized handles, which make charcuterie far easier to serve than to pronounce.
Each of the products are available on OnOurTable’s site, where the couple also shares recipes, offers sneak peeks into upcoming product lines and wax poetic on the joys of prune cake.
Apparently, love has no boundaries.
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