Biohackers Rejoice: The Smartest Mattress We’ve Ever Tested Is $100 Off

Good enough for Andrew Huberman, good enough for you

a stage photo of the Eight Sleep Pod 3 Mattress in a bedroom

The Eight Sleep Pod 3 Mattress might be the smartest mattress we've ever tried. Now it's $100 off.

By Paolo Sandoval

Nota bene: All products in this article are independently selected and vetted by InsideHook editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Let’s face it: the DTC mattress wars have gotten out of control. While there are plenty of good ways to buy a new sleeper online — if you’re even vaguely considering whether or not you need a new mattress, chances are that you totally do — a cabal of mattresses claiming to be slightly comfy-bouncy-better than their competition on ever add stream known to man makes it extremely hard to know if you’re making the right choice.

This is why we, your trusted source for all things good in life, have taken it upon ourselves to test a variety of mattresses from all the big names to give you a straight answer. Here’s what we’ve come up with: if biohacking, sleep analytics or futuristic cooling control sounds up your alley, the only choice is Eight Sleep.

Read Our Review

Review: It’s the Smartest Mattress Ever. Does It Actually Work?
With a massive network of user data and regular software updates, Eight Sleep is fast becoming the Tesla of Zs

If you couldn’t tell already, we’re huge fans of the 2015-founded innovation, as are a few other notable folks. we could go on and on about the sleep company’s Telsa-esque tech, but rather than talk your ear off, we’ll just link you to our in-depth review (here you are) and hit you with the bullet points: between an attachable Pod Cover and the hero Pod 3 Mattress, Eight Sleep’s AI-powered system provides cooling capabilities, personalized automatic temperature adjustments, thermal alarms, health reports and a continually updated software for new features over time. Oh, and a lifetime warranty. Sold?

Now for the best part: The Pod 3 Mattress is currently on sale. The sleep system providers are offering $100 off their hero product during a rare Eight Sleep mattress sale, and while it may seem paltry, think of it as your excuse (or permission, either way) for you to cough up for the best sleep of your life. You can read more about the Eight Sleep mattress sale here, or shop the Pod 3 below. Just catch some zzz’s for us, too, okay?

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