Asia Monopolizes the Most Expensive Cities in the World List

Asia Monopolizes the Most Expensive Cities in the World List

By Will Levith
Top Five Most Expensive Places to Live in the World
(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)


For anyone who grumbles over the high cost of living from their cramped New York apartment or London flat, there is much more to complain about elsewhere.

In The Economist‘s latest “Worldwide Cost of Living Report”—which surveys the costs of items like wine, bread, and gas—it turns out that Asia is by far the most expensive place in the world to live. Wealth Management broke it down into bite-sized pieces. Take a look at the top five most expensive places to live below, along with what the bare minimum costs in U.S. dollars.

(Rustam Azmi/Getty Images)


(1) Singapore 
Loaf of Bread: $3.55
Bottle of Wine: $23.68
1 Liter of Gas: $1.44*

(Education Images/UIG via Getty Images)


(2) Hong Kong, China
Loaf of Bread: $4.61
Bottle of Wine: $15.72
1 Liter of Gas: $1.73

(Gianluca Colla/Bloomberg via Getty Images)


(3) Zurich, Switzerland
Loaf of Bread: $5.66
Bottle of Wine: $14.17
1 Liter of Gas: $1.49

(Kazuhiro Nogi/AFP/Getty Images)


(4) Tokyo, Japan
Loaf of Bread: $7.41
Bottle of Wine: $11.89
1 Liter of Gas: $1.24

(JTB Photo/UIG via Getty Images)


(5) Osaka, Japan
Loaf of Bread: $5.91
Bottle of Wine: $13.33
1 Liter of Gas: $1.18

*i.e. approximately 0.26 gallons

Below, take a gander at some luxury homes in Singapore. Could you afford to make the jump?



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