We’re not quite exactly sure why, but It’s a scientific fact that looking at pictures of puppies with your partner can help add passion back into your relationship.
Well if you’ve got the mood lighting and Barry White cued up, we can supply the puppy photos.
Drawn from the 2017 “Dog Photographer of the Year” competition, these photos were selected as winners from a pool that included almost 10,000 entries from people in 74 different countries.
Picked from categories including “Dogs at Play,” “Oldies,” and “Rescue Dogs,” the winning pups will be honored in the fur during a ceremony at the Kennel Club in Mayfair, London. Here’s what the overall winner, Maria Davison Ramos (who captured the photo of Yzma above) had to say:
“For me, capturing real and candid moments is what photography is all about. This is one of those moments,” she said. “My friend had just adopted Yzma and while we were chatting in the kitchen I was taking some photographs. The location and the light were far from perfect, but I ended taking one of the photos I’m most proud of.”
Some additional winning photos are below and the entire pack of ‘em is available to see here.
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