Elon Musk has decide to enlarge his portfolio once again, this time by introducing flamethrowers to the world. His tunnel construction firm, The Boring Company, sold out its first 20,000 flamethrowers within just a few days, and on Saturday, the first thousand units were made available to buyers, reports Esquire.
First 1000 Boring Company Flamethrowers being picked up today! pic.twitter.com/hBMp5fGzAB
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 9, 2018
It is legal to sell flamethrowers, but Musk named the device the “Not-a-Flamethrower” in order to circumvent any possible shipping snafus. The product is a bit more like a blow torch than flamethrower, since it only shoots flames four feet. You can buy one for $500.
“Obviously, a flamethrower is a super terrible idea. Definitely don’t buy one,” Musk tweeted in January. “Unless you like fun.”
Unless you like fun
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 28, 2018
The sale of the flamethrowers netted the Boring Company $10 million. Musk tweeted the terms and conditions for the owners on the style of Dr. Seuss.
Terms & conditions for “Not-a-Flamethrower”
Please use as directed to avoid unintentionally burning things down. For simple & concise instructions, we drew upon wisdom in great Dr Seuss book “Green Eggs and Ham”. #ThrowFlamesResponsibly pic.twitter.com/kgj8W8EOLJ
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 9, 2018
Musk announced last year that The Boring Company had received a permit to build an underground hyperloop tunnel between New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.
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