InsideHook Nation

By The Editors
May 2, 2012 9:00 am

New Yorkers are rightfully proud of their city’s perks.

And while the rest of the country may not have 24/7 delivery, they’re about to get once-per-day deliverance: Introducing InsideHook Nation, recommending the best experiences you can enjoy from anywhere in America.

So please, sign up and tell your friends from Plymouth to Palos Verdes that we’ve arrived, that we’re properly dressed, and we’re ready to introduce our continental friends, including (but definitely not limited to):

  • an Air Force vet offering HALO jumps from 30,000 feet
  • a cabal of scotchmakers who deliver to your door
  • A travel maven who curates volcano adventure tours for families

Like our New York edition, InsideHook Nation will publish one recommendation per day — something that makes the lives of our readers more exciting or more convenient. No daily deals, just the best of the rest of the country.

So please, sign up for InsideHook Nation and invite your friends in the greater 49.

There is delivery beyond New York’s shores. It’s called InsideHook Nation.

See you out there.

postscript: For the latest and greatest InsideHook recommendations, have a gander at our new web site.  It’s pretty.

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