Olympic Minister: 2020 Tokyo Games Could Be Postponed Due to Coronavirus

As of now, the Games are still scheduled to be held from July 24 to August 9

Japan’s Olympic minister Seiko Hashimoto in 2016.
Japan’s Olympic minister Seiko Hashimoto in 2016. (Photo by Atsushi Tomura/Getty Images)
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Though Japan is doing everything it can to make sure the Olympics begin as planned this summer, the country’s Olympic minister said the Tokyo 2020 Games could be postponed until later in the year due to fears over the coronavirus outbreak.

Addressing the Japanese parliament on Tuesday, Seiko Hashimoto said Japan’s contract to hold the Tokyo Games only specifies that the event has to be held during 2020.

Therefore, the Games could be moved to later on in the year without the International Olympic Committee having the right to step in and cancel the event.

“The IOC has the right to cancel the games only if they are not held during 2020,” Hashimoto told parliament. “This can be interpreted to mean the games can be postponed as long as they are held during the calendar year.”

As of now, the Games are still scheduled to be held from July 24 to August 9 with the Paralympics set to open on Aug. 25.

During her remarks, Hashimoto was asked if she believed the Olympics should be held if the coronavirus outbreak gets worse. “We are making the utmost effort so that we don’t have to face that situation,” she said.

Some sporting events in Japan, including the country’s professional baseball season, have already needed to be altered due to coronavirus concerns.

After starting in China late last year, coronavirus has been detected in at least 70 countries, with 90,000 cases and 3,100 deaths reported.

The Olympics have only been canceled three times, all during wartime.

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