The Hell Is a Triborg and Why Aren’t We All Riding Them?

900W skateboard/dirtbike thing seeks owners

By The Editors
March 25, 2016 9:00 am EDT

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Unless the thing you are failing to succeed at is skateboarding.

Your correspondent has been there, and you need to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em, gents.

Or at least when to pack up the manual and switch to a Triborg, essentially a three-wheeled skateboard with a 900W electric motor and a rear suspension rig that would probably be more at home on a dirt bike.

The all-terrain ride equips a sturdy frame welded from laser-cut aluminum, shocks with up to 2.5 inches of give and an optional front braking system designed to accommodate rugged and mountainous terrain.

Coming down with a case of the wobbles — even at the board’s max speed of 20 MPH — shouldn’t be an issue.

“While most electric skateboards have a four-wheel design, only one wheel is connected to the motor,” Triborg’s designers say on their Kickstarter page. “This design causes the board to twist one direction while accelerating, and in the opposite direction while braking. Contrary to that design, the Triborg features a centered rear wheel helping maintain its balance at all times.”

Pledging to the board’s Kickstarter won’t come cheap ($2,350 – $2,400), but those who snag one can expect it to ship by the end of summer.

Until then, maybe stick to the bicycle.


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