Gentleman’s Handbook

Vol V: Oh Hell Yes, It's Thanksgiving

By The Editors
November 17, 2014 9:00 am

Thanksgiving is the Switzerland of holidays.

It’s not terribly religious, save maybe for the dinner grace.

It welcomes all comers. And it celebrates the bonhomie everyone shares right before we’re all trapped together in the stalled and stuffy elevator of winter.

And so! To ensure you acquit yourself admirably during the Nov. 27th feast, we give you The Gentleman’s Handbook, Vol. V: Oh Hell Yes, Thanksgiving!


  • Your Trigger Word Cheat Sheet: What not to say at gatherings of family and friends, unless you want to see mom cry again

  • The Non-Prayer’s Guide to Praying: Always be prepared, Boy Scout

  • Hooch to Bring the Host: On a scale of delicious to Four Loko

Not to mention, recipes from the nation’s finest chefs and bartenders and assorted advice on being a gentleman throughout the occasion.

Oh, and our Out of Office Cocktail Recipe.

Because if you’re going to send someone an email explaining why you’re not sending them an email, at least make up for it by offering them a drink.

Enjoy the Handbook.

P.S. No, there’s nothing about Black Friday in the handbook. But we will have a Black Friday shopping guide out on that very day. If, like, getting up at the crack and battling fellow humans for discounts is your thing.


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